7 Ways To Become Indifferent To The Narcissist…

Sherile Turner-Myles
4 min readNov 17, 2021
Photo By billow926

I really like the saying, “The opposite of love is not hate but indifference.” Indifference absolutely is the gold standard in relationship recovery but is not always realistic. I like to strive for feeling indifference toward my narcissists the majority of the time and honour that my triggered feelings are typical responses to trauma and feel grateful that my body has a built in system that tries to warn and protect me from danger. As long as you are not in a constant state of distress and anxiety and the uncomfortable feelings lessen in intensity and frequency overtime, you are making progress. Recovery and healing is a journey. Nevertheless, many people really just want to “not care at all” and want to know how to get there. Here is a roadmap to help you out fellow survivors as you strive for indifference!

  1. Tell all your family and friends that you do not want to know anything about the narcissist. That means you do not want to know if something wonderful or awful happens to them. If your family or friends start to tell you a positive or negative story about the narcissist you stop them immediately. If people mention them at a social gathering, you walk away or you leave. Knowing about them in any way keeps them and their memory alive in your mind.
  2. You remove any trace of them from your social life, home, and routine. Go No Contact as…



Sherile Turner-Myles

I write about Covert Narcissism and other Personality Disorders, and how they impact relationships.