Exotic Pet Ownership: A deep dive into the strange relationship between Covert Narcissists and Exotic pets

Sherile Turner-Myles
5 min readJan 28, 2024

Navigating a relationship with someone harbouring covert narcissistic traits can be an utterly bewildering and frequently heart-wrenching experience. Through both professional practice and personal encounters, especially within the realm of pet ownership, I’ve unearthed some rather startling patterns and behaviours.

Joe exotic and Carole Baskin

Covert narcissists are chameleons, adept at presenting themselves as either victims or misunderstood souls. Underneath this veneer of humility lies a deep-rooted sense of entitlement coupled with an ego as fragile as eggshells.

In observing these individuals, it’s become clear that their emotional needs often overshadow everything else, leaving scant regard for the needs of others, pets included.

A disturbing trend emerged among my clients entangled with covert narcissistic partners — the use of pets as instruments of manipulation and control. A particular predilection for exotic pets — think snakes, spiders, and even venomous fish — was notable.

Before you leap to conclusions about the implications of owning such unconventional animals, allow me to delve a bit deeper. Picture those YouTube channels with individuals flaunting their exotic monkeys, snakes, spiders, and even big…



Sherile Turner-Myles

I write about Covert Narcissism and other Personality Disorders, and how they impact relationships.